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Ilan Manor details the start-and-stop nature of governments' digital diplomacy efforts.

Following the 2018 ISA annual conference, Ilan Manor offers his take on the positive side of digital tools.

Photo by geralt via Pixabay

Ilan Manor unpacks challenges facing diplomats to embrace digitalization beyond the catchphrase “digital diplomacy.”

Corneliu Bjola and Ilan Manor of the Oxford Digital Diplomacy Research Group on The Hague Digital Diplomacy Camp that occurred earlier this month.

Ilan Manor discusses how Network Gatekeepers can be harnessed to stop the flow of disinformation, hate speech and more.

Ilan Manor discusses the public diplomacy challenges Israel faces following President Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as its capital.

The age of digital diplomacy 3.0 emphasizes a personalized approach to technology, which has been implemented by India's Ministry of External Affairs via a smartphone app.

Ilan Manor argues that incendiary social media may ignite tensions, not full-on wars.
