The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

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University of Oxford PhD candidate Warren Stanislaus shares a case study of a recent Black History Month project.

 Image CC0 Public Domain via
February 11, 2021

An interview about the public diplomacy implications of news media decisions within the Arab context.

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CPD Research Fellow Martin Edwards investigates how Twitter audiences respond to the IMF.

Image by mohamed_hassan via

What does it look like to open the door of financial inclusion to U.S. migrants and immigrants? Mexican diplomat Rodrigo Márquez Lartigue describes a new ID card system.

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CPD Director Jay Wang identifies key knowledge and skill areas that today's PD organizations can grow through professional development.

Image by loginueve_ilustra via

CPD Research Fellow Ian Thomas has developed evidence tools to help PD practitioners in the field measure and evaluate soft power.

70th anniversary image via

SAIS faculty David Ellwood illuminates lessons from the novel The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil.

Lisbon main square by Terreiro do Paço via Wikimedia Commons

An interview with Brigadier General Nuno Lemos Pires, National Defense Policy Deputy Director at the Ministry of Defense of Portugal.



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