The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

European security is a global challenge, and public diplomacy is an instrument to promote understanding.

CPD Faculty Fellow and Director of USC's Master’s Program in Public Diplomacy Nicholas Cull underlines the importance of a U.S. presence at Expo 2020.

CPD Contributing Scholar Senem Cevik notes how period dramas on Turkish television have been used as tools of both diplomacy and domestic communication. 

University of Hyderabad PhD Candidate Muhsin Puthan Purayil dives deep into India's recent public diplomacy strategies in the domestic arena.

UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage program has served as a platform for both cooperation and competition among countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Art and cultural nonprofits carry significant influence as non-state cultural diplomacy actors, writes CPD Blogger Leila Nazarian.

Australia has been both on the inside and the outside of the political environment in Asia. How will China influence the country's role in the region?

Turkey's Yunus Emre Institute has established a new science diplomacy project, writes Halid Bulut, Executive Director of the Yunus Emre Foundation in Washington, D.C.



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