A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Fighting Poverty from Space

Satellites might be able to help stamp out global poverty by indicating where help is needed most, according to a team of U.S. researchers. The images from satellites could help governments and charities trying to fight poverty but who lack precise, reliable information on where poor people are living and what they need, said the researchers, based at Stanford University in California.

Tags: poverty, new technology, global aid & development, science & technology, global issues, global poverty, stanford university

Translation Works Celebrate Sino-Russian Cultural Exchanges at BIBF

To promote Sino-Russian cultural exchange, 44 translated works were presented at a forum held by the China Written Works Copyright Society and the Russian Translation Institute at the Beijing International Book Fair on Friday. 

Tags: china, russia, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, international exchange, sino-russian relations, art and book fair

A Powerful Russian Weapon: The Spread of False Stories

The planting of false stories is nothing new; the Soviet Union devoted considerable resources to that during the ideological battles of the Cold War. Now, though, disinformation is regarded as an important aspect of Russian military doctrine, and it is being directed at political debates in target countries with far greater sophistication and volume than in the past.

Tags: russia, europe, weapons, disinformation, history & theory, cold war, nato, kremlin, EU, united states, social media

Building South Africa’s Brand

he challenges will always be there. When you look at nations like the US and China, they still have political challenges. [...] as a resilient South Africa, are going through that phase. We are a developing nation that is faced with many challenges, but instead of being overwhelmed and being overtaken by this negativity, Brand SA has chosen to work with people who actually want to promote the good news. 

Tags: south africa, nation branding, national image, brand SA, private sector, globalization, social media, tourism, film diplomacy

Iran-South Korea Technology Exchange Center Inaugurated

Tehran and Seoul opened their joint technology exchange center in a ceremony [...] President Park, in her meeting with the her Iranian counterpart, emphasized the need to revitalize trade and diversify cooperation to encompass investment and construction of such infrastructure projects...

Tags: technology exchange, iran, south korea, international exchange, hassan rouhani, park geun-hye, education

Chinese Envoy to Ankara Sees Improved Economic, Political Ties

Turkey is a friend of China and a prominent country in the Middle East. [...] Chinese Deputy FM Zhang Ming visited Turkey shortly after the coup attempt, and he exchanged views with Turkish officials on the current situation of Turkey and the region along with bilateral relations between China and Turkey. This demonstrates China's emphasis on Turkish relations and friendship towards the Turkish people.

Tags: ankara, china, government pd, turkey, middle east, bilateral relations, one belt one road, G20 Summit

Diplomats Urged to ‘Open Up’ and Tweet More

A tech-savvy public demands more transparency from government, and that foreign ministries can do a lot more to open up. Behind-the-scenes negotiations will always remain a vital part of the job - Fletcher mentions the recent Iran nuclear deal and the BelfastAgreement as examples - “but we do need to explain to people that that’s what we’re there for, and that it’s going on.”

Tags: naked diplomacy, foreign affairs, tom fletcher, hezbollah, belfast, Digital Diplomacy & New Technology

Can China Help Shape Global Governance at the G20?

Real power in global governance requires intellectual input into the international financial and economic agenda, policies and rules — the effective exercise of ‘soft’ power. [...] The major substantial outcomes of the G20 to date, including updating international financial regulatory rules through Basel III and international tax cooperation on tax havens, have been mostly led by the Atlantic countries.

Tags: china, g20, global governance, global development, WTO, france, united states, hu jintao, global economic governance


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