A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
A Dangerous Year for China
As Xi tries to increase China’s soft power, the last thing he wants is to cause the next global crisis or recession. The plot thickens when you consider the evolving nature of China’s role in the global economy.
Turkey As Viewed From Central Asia
How do the Central Asian republics perceive Turkey? Do they view it as a trading partner or an economic rival, politically conservative or liberal, an Islamic state or secular regime, a close Asian neighbor or a distant Western satellite? Each of the Central Asian republics [...] shares many common trends and developments alongside distinctive political, economic and social characteristics that affect the development of the relationships with Turkey discussed in this article.
Saudi Arabia in Policy Hell
China has been the kingdom’s largest customer as well as a provider of sophisticated weapons, including surface-to-surface missiles. But China also has lost patience with the monarchy’s support for Wahhabi Islamists in China and bordering countries. [...] More pertinent than public diplomacy, though, is where China is buying its oil.
‘Open a Door to Israel’ Multimedia Exhibit Goes On Tour
“Open a Door to Israel,” an exhibit comprised of nine huge door-shaped screens that visitors can open to learn about different aspects of Israel, debuted at the Tel Aviv Port in December and will begin a worldwide tour this month at the Vitoriano Museum in Rome. [...] “Open a Door to Israel,” an exhibit comprised of nine huge door-shaped screens that visitors can open to learn about different aspects of Israel, debuted at the Tel Aviv Port in December and will begin a worldwide tour this month at the Vitoriano Museum in Rome.
A Perilous Year for European Unity
Mr. Stavridis said Europe’s reliance on soft power—using aid and trade to encourage democracy and justice—would need to be paired with a hard-power strategy if the continent is to become effective in dealing with the challenge it now faces.
Dedicated Gallery To House Government Art Collection Proposed
Works of art from the Government Art Collection (GAC) are displayed in UK Government buildings in nearly every capital city, making it the most dispersed collection of British art in the world. The role of the Collection is to promote British art while contributing to cultural diplomacy.
Reform Needed for U.S. Soft Power to Work
U.S. needs more money for more soft power outreach abroad, but Congress and President must first reform Broadcasting Board of Governors. [...] We don't spend enough money on U.S. government propaganda abroad now, and we did not spend enough money on it during the Cold War, but we were spending money and getting the message across much more effectively during the Cold War than we do now.
Japan Aims to Prove its Diplomatic Mettle on Int'l Stage this Year
After efforts to remold security policy and gain traction in diplomacy toward Asia and dealing with wartime history disputes in 2015, Japanese policymakers face even greater challenges on the international stage in the coming year.
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