A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Venezuela Scrapes the Bottom of Oil Barrel Diplomacy

Through its Petrocaribe initiative, Venezuela has sold discounted oil to energy-deficient clients, practically giving it away in some cases. Lately, however, that generosity has diminished with Venezuela's economic misfortunes, hastened by tumbling global prices for oil -- the country's only viable source of export revenues. Even Brazil, with a fraction of Venezuela's reserves, now pumps 25 percent more oil.

Tags: venezuela, nicolas maduro, smart & soft power, oil diplomacy, organization of american states, petrocaribe

Justin Trudeau’s Sock Diplomacy

The first time could have been chalked up to charming idiosyncrasy. [...] But the third and fourth times that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada wore themed socks on a public occasion, it seemed clear that something more calculated was going on. You’ve heard of fashion diplomacy, or frock diplomacy? The practice whereby a female politician, or the wife of a world leader, uses clothing to convey unspoken messages about a platform or position, or as a form of outreach? Well, this is clearly sock diplomacy.

Tags: canada, justin trudeau, fashion diplomacy, canadian pd, smart & soft power, prime minister

Kazakh Ethno Village Opens Doors to EXPO 2017 Tourists

EXPO 2017 guests will have a unique opportunity to explore the ancient culture of nomadic civilisation, as Ethno Auyl (which stands for Ethno Village), an unusual cultural complex, has opened in the capital’s suburbs.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, kazakhstan, expo 2017, cultural center, art & culture, soft power, cultural tradition, Ministry of Culture

Canada’s Secret to Resisting the West’s Populist Wave

As right-wing populism has roiled elections and upended politics across the West, there is one country where populists have largely failed to break through: Canada. [...] Identity works differently in Canada. Both whites and nonwhites see Canadian identity as something that not only can accommodate outsiders, but is enhanced by the inclusion of many different kinds of people.

Tags: canada, public opinion, government pd, populism, multiculturalism, national identity, immigration

The Majlis: It’s Important to Keep a Positive Reputation

Sheikh Mohammed spoke about several topics, including the importance of Emiratis maintaining a strong positive reputation at all times. Every action, he said, good or bad, will reflect the image of our nation.

Tags: smart & soft power, united arab emirates, abu dhabi, social media, citizen diplomacy, nation branding

Advocates Urge Canada to Direct Women's Aid to Small, Grassroots Groups

Two self-described Canadian feminist advocacy organizations say the government needs to make major changes to how it hands out foreign aid, so that it reaches small, grassroots women's development organizations. The government says it wants to find new ways to deliver aid so that it reaches smaller groups, while ensuring accountability for taxpayers' dollars.

Tags: foreign aid, international advocacy, women, grassroots, development, canada

East Africa: Milestone for Agriculture in East Africa

Agriculture will now be placed as number one engine of economic growth in the East African Community (EAC) integration process. [...] "The Compact is designed to facilitate coordination of regional and cross cutting programmes that complement agricultural programmes and projects at national and regional levels," said the EAC deputy secretary general (Productive and Social Sectors) Christophe Bazivamo.

Tags: regional diplomacy, cooperation, agriculture, trade, integration, infrastructure, sustainability, east africa

Manga Soft Power: Japanese Comics...Can Be Bridge Between Peoples

Manga and anime are a good source of soft power for Japan. If creators and animators can find a way to not just appeal to the elite readership in foreign countries but also to the masses – which would entail translating the manga into local languages and incorporating local stories – then manga and anime can be a veritable bridge between Japan and the rest of the world.

Tags: soft power, comic books, manga, naruto, anime, japan


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