A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

If Diplomacy Did Not Exist, We Would Need to Invent It

Technology will transform how we meet our needs for peace, dignity and community. This will shatter the global political equilibrium, and shift power away from governments towards individuals. States, ideas and industries will go out of business. Inequality could grow. [...] For the first time, technology gives the prospect of the world’s population having an instant, global and unfiltered means of communicating, of consuming information, of forming opinions, preferences and communities.

Tags: international development, digital diplomacy, technology, internet, global change, unfiltered communication

Reserve Under UN spotlight

The Fitzgerald Biosphere has retained international significance after United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization approved the site as a biosphere reserve this month. [...] Fitzgerald Biosphere spokesman Nathan McQuoid said the area was globally significant for its natural diversity and the renomination will ensure the site continued to be recognized.

Tags: bio-diplomacy, branding, sustainable development, fitzgerald biosphere, nature, diversity, united nations

Nature Foundation Manager Returns From...Conservation Leadership Exchange

The United States State Department’s Premier Leadership Programme is designed to expose international leaders in their field to the work done by their American counterparts. The theme of the exchange was centered on the sustainable use and management of ocean resources and numerous meetings and information exchanges were held with various governmental, non-governmental and industry partners.

Tags: international exchanges, nature foundation, ocean conservation, sustainability, united states, state department

Europe Has Been Working to Expose Russian Meddling for Years

As the United States grapples with the implications of Kremlin interference in American politics, European countries are deploying a variety of bold tactics and tools to expose Russian attempts to sway voters and weaken European unity. Across the continent, counterintelligence officials, legislators, researchers and journalists have devoted years — in some cases, decades — to the development of ways to counter Russian disinformation, hacking and trolling. And they are putting them to use as never before.

Tags: election interference, disinformation, hacking, trolling, internet trolls, europe, united states, russia

3D Replica of Palmyra Arch Draws Two Million Visitors in Two Days

Two million spectators visited the 3D replica of Syria’s historic Palmyra Arch of Triumph in just two days as it made its fourth stop in the Italian city of Arona, Sicily, on the sidelines of the G7 summit.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, syria, italy, G7 Summit, palmyra, new technology, ancient civilizations, art & culture

Festival a Celebration of Aboriginal Culture

If a picture is worth a thousand words, there’s a good bet that three days of colourful cultural overload may have gone a long way to initiating dialogue and building bridges between B.C.’s First Nation communities and the rest of the province.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, canada, aboriginal community, first nations, british columbia, cultural tourism, indigenous culture

Cultural Exchanges Between Mainland, Hong Kong Maintain Sound Development

Cultural exchanges between the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have developed well since Hong Kong returned to the motherland in 1997, Ding Wei, vice minister of culture, said Sunday.

Tags: china, hong kong, Cultural Diplomacy, international exchange, government pd, one belt one road initiative, Ministry of Culture

Seoul Mayor Proposes Reviving Seoul-Pyongyang Football Exchanges

Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon proposed reviving a Seoul-Pyongyang football exchange program to a senior North Korean sports official on Sunday. [...] "Gyeongseong-Pyongyang Football was quite popular back in the day, and if it comes back to life, I think Seoul residents will welcome it with open arms," Park told Chang. "I hope you'll give it careful consideration."

Tags: sports diplomacy, football exchange, Facilitation, invitation, seoul, pyongyang, south korea, north korea


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