A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

China’s ‘Dangal’ Mega-Success Echoes at Second BRICS Film Festival

The mega-success in China of Amir Khan’s blockbuster, Dangal, has echoed strongly at the second BRICS festival, where filmmakers and actors brainstormed ways to collaborate in cinema to anchor the soft-power of the five nation grouping.

Tags: soft power, film festival, dangal, china, brics, cooperation, capacity building

UAE is a Melting Pot for Eid Celebrations

For the Tamano Family, Eid is always a time for family and friends reunion. "As an expat Filipino family who belongs to the Muslim minority in the Philippines, living in the UAE for almost 12 years has been a huge blessing for us especially during the holy month of Ramadan," said Sahron Roy Tamano.

Tags: eid 2017, Facilitation, international hub, united arab emirates, melting pot, islam, muslims, citizenship, governance, diversity

Cultural Show Offers Fijians Insight into Chinese Culture

A week-long exhibition on China Intangible Culture has begun offering Fijians an opportunity to gain an insight into the rich and abundant Chinese history and culture.

Tags: china, fiji, Cultural Diplomacy, international exchange, China cultural centre, art & culture, China's Soft Power

How Vladimir Putin Weaponized the Internet

Vladimir Putin's regime is weaponizing the internet to sow chaos, confusion, and discord across the West.

Tags: russia, u.s., digital diplomacy & new tech, disinformation, trolling, social media, vladimir putin

Panda Mania Hits Germany as China's Cuddly Envoys Arrive

Germany had its first taste of panda mania on Saturday as two furry ambassadors arrived from China to begin a new life as stars of Berlin's premier zoo.

Tags: china, germany, smart & soft power, panda diplomacy, berlin, zoo diplomacy

Russia's Answer to Charges of Meddling in U.S. Elections

Information warfare and fake news? Washington-funded media outlets like Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America have long run what the Kremlin sees as an anti-Putin propaganda campaign aimed at supporting the Russian opposition.

Tags: international broadcasting, russia, u.s., voice of america, radio free europe, elections, fake news

A Virtual Taste of Imperial Life

New app enhances the Beijing Forbidden City experience and puts China's ancient history in a very modern context.

Tags: digital diplomacy & new tech, china, virtual diplomacy, beijing, art & culture, ancient civilizations, gaming

Al-Jazeera: The Qatar Broadcaster at Centre of Diplomatic Crisis

Arab world’s leading TV channel is used to controversy – but now it fears for its future as Saudi Arabia wants it shut down.

Tags: international broadcasting, qatar, saudi arabia, al jazeera, middle east, broadcasting


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