A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
With Focus on Wartime Past, Japan’s Global PR Message Could Misfire
Many of the funds will be used for soft-power initiatives to cultivate “pro-Japan” foreigners, such as supporting Japan studies at universities and setting up “Japan House” centers to promote the “Japan Brand.”
From Yoga to Facebook, Indian Ambassadors Get a Novel Package at Annual Conclave
From yoga to soft power, from digital diplomacy to the role of states in foreign policy, India’s envoys got a taste of what the PM would like them to internalize when they represent India’s interests.
View Point: Hard, Soft or Effete: Jokowi, Choose Your Brand of Power!
Bollywood films have long had a place in the hearts of Indonesian audiences, but lately it’s said to have reached feverish proportions, popular not just in urban, but also rural areas. (...) As soft powers go, India’s is actually pretty impressive, covering a wide range of fields. As one writer put it, “from Buddha to Bollywood to BPOs”.
Poll: Israelis See Deterioration in Ties With U.S. Under Netanyahu
Israelis recognize that the relationship between their country and the United States government has gone downhill under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but don’t believe the strained ties have seriously damaged their connection to U.S. Jewry, according to a newly released poll by the Ruderman Family Foundation.
Can the Guy Who Brought You "Friends" Win the Propaganda War Against ISIS and Putin?
On January 21, Andrew Lack, the media titan who at different times has headed Bloomberg, Sony, and NBC News, was sworn in as CEO of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the federal agency that oversees the five official US government-supported broadcasters, including the Voice of America. (...) In recent years, the BBG has devolved into a widely acknowledged mess: bloated, demoralized, and inefficient. Reviving this tool of public diplomacy will be a major challenge for Lack.
How the Pentagon Manipulates People Overseas
Today, the American Security Project, a Washington-based think tank, released a new report outlining how the Pentagon is trying to influence public opinion in foreign countries. The report is framed around the question of how military public diplomacy can help achieve U.S. military objectives abroad without the need for what the white paper refers to in true newspeak-infused euphemistic language as “kinetic actions”; in plain English — killing and wounding people overseas.
Strong Sino-French Cultural Relations Shown Off in Berlin
The Berlin Film Festival, held over the weekend, staged the European Film Market event, at which a number of major Sino-French co-productions attracted the avid interest of attendees.
How the Pentagon Manipulates People Overseas
Today, the American Security Project, a Washington-based think tank, released a new report outlining how the Pentagon is trying to influence public opinion in foreign countries.
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