A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Thailand to Offer 5 million Baht of Rice as Aid to West Africa

The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) is offering to ship rice worth 5 million baht to West African countries hit by the Ebola outbreak. The NCPO is extending its assistance through the World Health Organization (WHO) in a bid to provide humanitarian aid to Ebola patients.

Tags: thailand, global aid, food aid, west africa, national council for peace and order

Turkey Condemns Israeli Plan to Construct New Settlement Units

Turkey has condemned an Israeli plan to construct 283 new homes in Palestine's West Bank. "Israel's illegal settlement units are totally unacceptable," read a statement released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Friday. Israel issued tenders on Friday for 283 new housing units, according to the Israel Land Authority.

Tags: turkey, israel, settlements, government pd, turkish foreign ministry

How U.S. Soft Power Won the Chinese Box Office

Hollywood triumphed in China this summer afterTransformers: Age of Extinction broke all previous box office records there, selling over $300 million worth of tickets against a $244 million U.S. take. But jubilation over the film's Chinese success has been dampened somewhat by jeers from major news outlets in the West that Transformers 4 was yet another example of Hollywood's selling out to China. Critics of the film point to its numerous Chinese product placements, generously featured Chinese landmarks, cameos by Chinese pop stars, and a pro-Chinese-government message.

Tags: soft power, united states, china, film diplomacy

Digitally Diplomatic

“The impact Twitter has on diplomacy apart from being a broadcasting tool for election campaigns is hard to measure. However, the fact that a growing number of global leaders mutually follow each other is evidence of the importance of digital diplomacy. In particular, foreign ministers and their institutions have focused on connecting with their peers. In September 2013, the US State Department followed 22 other foreign offices as well as Iran’s President @HassanRouhani and Foreign Minister @JZarif, timidly establishing diplomatic relations between the US and Iran on Twitter.” 

Tags: digital diplomacy, india, public diplomacy, twitter, facebook, social media

U.S. and Iran Engage in Volleyball Diplomacy

Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the Iranian and American people have been isolated from one another due to long-standing disputes between their governments. Routine interactions, like sporting events between national clubs, and other cultural exchanges have been few and far between. However, recently thousands of fans across Southern California were able to witness a rarity: the U.S. and Iranian national volleyball teams squaring off in friendly exhibition matches as part of a goodwill exchange between the two estranged nations.

Tags: united states, iran, sports diplomacy, rouhani, obama, public diplomacy

Efforts are Necessary to Spread Accurate Understanding of Japan

If it wants to strengthen its presence in the international community and adequately inform a wider audience abroad about itself, Japan should strategically strengthen its public relations overseas and promote cultural exchanges with other nations. In its budgetary request for fiscal 2015, the Foreign Ministry has requested about 50 billion yen (about $475 million) for a new key budgetary item called "strategic proliferation of information abroad."

Tags: japan, cross cultural understanding, public diplomacy, global image, china, south korea, propaganda, public opinion

No One Likes the Dalai Lama Anymore

The Dalai Lama is losing friends all over the place as the world undergoes a geopolitical realignment. The Dalai Lama used to be the guy everyone wanted at their party. But since China's emergence as an economic superpower, he's become an awkward guest to invite. Around the world, governments are limiting their contact with him — in some cases because of direct pressure by China, and in other cases, because of the chilling effect that pressure creates.

Tags: dalai lama, china, superpower, public opinion, global image

Estonia Summons Russian Ambassador over Border 'Abduction'

Estonia has summoned the Russian ambassador over what the Tallinn government says is the cross-border abduction of an Estonian intelligence officer operating on the Estonian side of the Russian border. The Estonian Foreign Ministry says the security officer was seized Friday by unknown gunmen and taken into Russian territory.  Moscow says the man was operating on its side of the border and is suspected of being a spy.

Tags: estonia, russia, russian ambassador, border security, tallinn government


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