A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Professor Speaks about Military Policy

Dr. Carol Atkinson, professor of international relations at USC and a veteran of the United States Air Force, gave an hour-long briefing to USC students at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism about U.S. military tactics on Wednesday afternoon. Atkinson, who served in Operation Desert Storm, spoke on the shift of the U.S. military’s approach from hard tactics to soft, due to what she described as a changing tide of foreign policy and a new era in public diplomacy.

Tags: usc, carol atkinson, military policy, us department of defense, soft power, united states

Israel Signs 15-Year Natural Gas Deal With Jordan

Israel will sign a deal to supply natural gas from its Leviathan field to Jordan for 15 years, Israeli Energy Minister Silvan Shalom said on Wednesday.  An industry official who asked not to be identified said the deal was worth about $15 billion.

Tags: jordan, israel, foreign investment, economic ties, economic diplomacy, middle east

Venice Considers Fees on Daytime Tourists

Venice gets 20 million visitors every year - but soon tourists may have to pay just to visit the city.  Locals are tired of day trippers who do not spend much money in the city, so now the authorities are proposing a daily fee of $40.

Tags: venice, italy, tourism, public opinion, soft power

Digital Diplomacy: Modi and the Art of Trending, Garnering ‘Likes’ and ‘Followers’

If Narendra Modi wants, he has all the knowledge and inside view required to write a bestseller on how best to use the social media, a platform he made a priority long before hitting the Lok Sabha campaign trail.  His priority hasn't changed after his sweeping victory and prime ministership. In fact, his love for Twitter and Facebook only seems to be growing along with the band of people tracking him online.

Tags: Digital Diplomacy & New Technology, social media, twitter, narendra modi, india

Graphic Anti-ISIS Colouring Book Released 'to Help Teach Children' About Terrorism

While many around the web have questioned how just how "factual" some of the publisher's representations are, most can agree that its colouring books are in fact unique — albeit incredibly controversial.  The updated books are said to feature such topics as the release of Taliban prisoners for the freedom of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the Boston Marathon bombing, and, as Bell puts it, "these brutal people, these terrible humans on the planet called ISIS.”

Tags: united states, youth education, art diplomacy, isis, terrorism, propaganda

The Senate Republicans’ Foolish Fight Over Ambassadors

Talk about America’s decline is usually wrong. But how else would you describe a country that, in a world of exploding tensions, is unable to confirm dozens of ambassadors to foreign posts because of partisan squabbling? Even by Washington standards, the Senate Republicans have hit a new low for hypocrisy. They denounce President Obama’s inaction on foreign policy — and simultaneously refuse to confirm his nominees for U.S.

Tags: united states, politics, congress, republicans, ambassadors, global conflict, foreign service officers, us department of state

U.N. and Medical Group Make Appeals for Ebola Aid

The United Nations and the medical aid group Doctors Without Borders each issued urgent appeals on Tuesday for international aid to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Senior United Nations officials urged diplomats to cable their capitals to send money, doctors and protective gear to the affected region. The doctors’ group called for countries to send civilian and military biohazard experts.

Tags: united nations, ebola, global aid, diplomats, africa, west africa, doctors without borders

China to Limit Foreign TV Shows on Chinese Video-Streaming Sites

Authorities haven't given a reason for those moves. But they come as Chinese leaders try to tighten regulation of information circulating via chat apps and on Internet sites. As well, China is seeking to build its own culture of television, movies and animation to counter what it sees as the soft-power influence of the U.S. In a government report released in March, Chinese government planners called on officials to "quicken development of public cultural undertakings including the press and publishing, radio and television, and literature and art as well as the culture industry."

Tags: china, chinese government, soft power, international broadcasting, censorship, Cultural Diplomacy


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