A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Yao Ming Aims to Save Africa's Elephants by Persuading China to Give up Ivory

As a shy, nervous 22-year-old NBA rookie, Yao Ming confronted the concentrated power of Shaquille O’Neal for the first time — and came out a winner.  The metaphors are perhaps too easy: basketball’s gentle giant aiming to save Africa’s gentle giants; the man who built a bridge between China and the United States now trying to bridge another vast cultural divide, between his nation’s nouveau riche and the people and animals of Africa.

Tags: celebrity diplomacy, sports diplomacy, yao ming, china, africa, united states

Dance Diplomacy Healing a Hundred Years of Hatred One Step at a Time

A hundred years later, dance is being used as a bridge over the century-old abyss between Turks and Armenians. DanceMotion USA, a cultural diplomacy initiative sponsored by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and produced by BAM, facilitated a contemporary dance collaboration among artists from the three nations.

Tags: dance diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, turkey, turkish-armenian relations, united states

DFID Announces Extra Aid for South Sudan

The UK’s Department for International Development has pledged a further £30m to help the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan.  ‘The extra support from the UK government will deliver supplies urgently needed by people who have been forced to leave their homes and move to neighbouring countries.’

Tags: the United Kingdom, international development, south sudan, aid diplomacy, global aid and development, humanitarian aid

Africa, The Summit and Development

References to development (even to the word “development”) do not appear in most of the reports on the recently concluded U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. In this regard, I want to distinguish between “assistance” and “development,” between discrete projects on the one hand, and, on the other, the larger, more complex process of transforming economies, polities, administrations, and societies. 

Tags: africa, united states, us-africa leaders summit, global development, government pd

Narendra Modi Uses Soft Power to Hardsell Strategic Message

Hard-headed bean counters are busy auditing the economic gains of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Japan but the PM seems to have shrewdly used "soft power" symbolism to boost the profile of a visit billed as a major international engagement. 

Tags: narendra modi, india, soft power, hard power, japan, international engagement, Cultural Diplomacy

Iran Interested in Cultural Diplomacy with Azerbaijan

The statement came from the head of the cultural center of the Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan Ibrahim Ibrahimi speaking at the press conference in Baku. According to Ibrahimi, they put forward a proposal for joint action of national orchestras of Iran and Azerbaijan in both countries as well as in other countries. "I hope that in this connection the contract will be signed by the end of the year", he said. 

Tags: iran, azerbaijan, Cultural Diplomacy, joint projects, music diplomacy, global development, tourism

Ukraine Crisis: France Halts Warship Delivery to Russia

This was the most significant Western arms sale to Russia and its postponement - the exact terms of the suspension of the deal are not clear - marks a very visible rebuff to Moscow on the eve of Nato's Wales Summit. The Mistral assault ships can carry up to 16 heavy helicopters, land troops and armoured vehicles. Their delivery would have resulted in a marked improvement in Russia's amphibious capability.

Tags: russia, france, military power, warships, nato, pavlo klimpkin, francois hollande

Digging Diplomacy: Kerry, 5 Predecessors at Museum Groundbreaking

Secretary of State John Kerry warned Wednesday against creeping American isolationism, making the case that U.S. global leadership is essential in uncertain times as he hosted a rare public reunion of five of his predecessors. Speaking at the groundbreaking of a new museum celebrating the achievements of American diplomacy, Kerry said the United States looks inward at its peril and that U.S. engagement is needed more than ever.

Tags: museum diplomacy, public diplomacy, united states, isolationism, secretary of state, diplomats, us department of state


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