
CPD Research Fellow Jennifer Hubbert applies an anthropological lens to the research of urban paradiplomacy.

Meet our three newest Fellows who will conduct original research in the areas of sport-tech diplomacy, symbolic politics for peace, and the role of city diplomacy in advancing Black racial solidarity.

The former career foreign service officer begins his tenure during DePaul's Spring quarter.

The latest issue of CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy demonstrates the use and value of an integrated country image measurement instrument

Peter Winter, BA '08 and MPD '10, credits his time with CPD for launching his career in public diplomacy as a U.S. Foreign Service Officer.

Highlights from an unprecedented year at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy.

"Canada's Public Diplomacy," the latest edition of the Palgrave Macmillan Series in Global Public Diplomacy, brings together several leading Canadian scholars to analyze the past, present and future of Canada's engagement with foreign publics. Edited by Nicholas J. Cull and Michael K. Hawes, CEO of Fulbright Canada, the book is now available, here.

Bell serves as the executive director of the California Film Commission (CFC).
