This Week in PD is a weekly curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned and state-sponsored sources. Follow us via #TWiPD on Twitter and Facebook.

This Week in PD

PD News headlines this week acknowledged the importance of civility, cooperation and intercultural communications in public diplomacy. 

Photo courtesy of Texas A&M University Commerce, Marketing and Communications via Flickr Creative Commons

From student exchanges to standing up to Trump, citizen diplomacy featured prominently.

PD News takes a look at what China, the UK, India and the U.S. have been up to this week.

June 19, 2015

International Yoga Day serves as a soft power tool for India. 

PD News highlights this week's triumphs and stumbles in communication and listening.

PD News highlights the power and limitations of Soccer Diplomacy.

May 29, 2015

As urban populations in cities grow their global influence expands as well. This week, PD News highlights the trend of cities conducting their own foreign policy.

The Internet still poses challenges for state and non-state actors alike. 
