This Week in PD is a weekly curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned and state-sponsored sources. Follow us via #TWiPD on Twitter and Facebook.
This Week in PD

Utilizing social media, cultural diplomacy, and traditional regional ties Modi seeks to strengthen India´s soft power.

Creative tensions as art and diplomacy challenge each other for more innovative approaches to culture.

Can China's attempts at asserting its influence globally solidify its world power status?

How both traditional diplomacy tools and creative public diplomacy approaches are restoring the international community's relations with Cuba.

Will the Iran nuclear framework shape future international relations? This week PD News takes a look at the reactions to what may be an historic agreement.

This week PD News focuses on different approaches taken to help address both the political and humanitarian needs to resolve the crisis.

Security concerns between states can hinder effective public diplomacy.

Despite hostility between countries, sports remain a channel of communication and exchange.