European Union is to vote on labeling products manufactured in the Golan Heights and West Bank. Israel's Foreign Ministry has begun all-out diplomatic efforts to try to stop the European Union from labeling of good and products manufactured in the Golan Heights and Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Israeli daily Haartez reported Sunday.
Despite the widespread adoption of digital diplomacy, few studies have investigated how governments use SNS in order to frame foreign countries and themselves. Self-framing is practiced by countries as part of nation branding activities.

Manor & Segev's study on self-framing by Russia, Iran and the U.S. in Social Networking Sites
Experts from Korea and Spain exchanged ideas to facilitate bilateral relations in the areas of regional branding, culture and smart cities at the Marriot Hotel in Seoul, Wednesday.
Mondelez-owned coffee brand Kenco is launching a project to helping young Hondurans reject gangs and violence by becoming coffee-growing entrepreneurs. The year-long Coffee vs Gangs initiative (site yet to go live), conceived by Kenco's agency JWT London, will give 20 recruits in violence-ridden areas of Honduras the training and support to embark on new careers as trainee coffee farmers and therefore build a better life for themselves, away from gangs.

As FIFA's global sponsors work to maximize their brand engagement prior to next week's World Cup, host country Brazil and 2022 host Qatar struggle to overcome negative press and poorly-planned branding strategies.
Cities can spend a fortune on branding and promotional slogans – but they don't always go to plan. Edinburgh's attempts to rebrand as "Incredinburgh", at a reported cost of £300,000, were scrapped. The city of Leeds got some stick a while back when it was noticed that "Leeds. Live it. Love it" bore a startling resemblance to "Hong Kong. Live it. Love it!" (The advertising agency insisted it had come up with the slogan independently.)
The inaugural Guardian Cities brand barometer ranks world cities on everything from transport and weather to crime and social ‘buzz’ – and they won't all be pleased with the results.