nation branding

CPD Blogger Neal Rosendorf shares his thoughts on 'Brand Palestine.'

Listen to CPD's interview with Roger Kittleson about The Country of Football: Soccer and the Making of Modern Brazil.

As the Brazil team has come spectacularly undone in the World Cup, the pain for the host country has been compounded by the prospect that its hated rival, Argentina, could still lift the championship trophy on Sunday in Rio de Janeiro’s fabled Estádio do Maracanã, after Argentina won a tense semifinal against the Netherlands in a penalty shootout on Wednesday afternoon. The tens of thousands of Argentine fans who have invaded Brazil to cheer for their team, and taunt their hosts, brought with them a song that predicts not just triumph for Argentina, but deep humiliation for Brazil. 

Everyone knew it would be difficult for Brazil without the injured star Neymar and the suspended captain, Thiago Silva, but nobody imagined this feeble capitulation — four goals surrendered to Germany in six minutes during a 7-1 rout in a World Cup semifinal. Early on, Brazil’s players bickered, lost their cool, then lost their fight. The country of the beautiful game was left to face a grotesque humiliation.

 When huge protests rocked Brazilian cities a year ago, Raphael Rabelo was among the multitudes in the streets, even joining the thousands of demonstrators enraged with political corruption and spending on lavish World Cup stadiums who danced on the roof of the Congress building in Brasília. But in a U-turn reflecting shifting attitudes in Brazil about the soccer tournament now that it is underway, Mr.

July 3, 2014

Simon Anholt has recently established a new method to evaluate a country's reputation and image. The Good Country Index measures "what each country on earth contributes to the common good of humanity, and what it takes away." Various factors are considered in the evaluation including: science and technology, culture, international peace and security, world order, planet and climate, prosperity and equality, and health and wellbeing. 

"Land of Dreams" Full Length Video

This global tourism campaign aims to brand the United States as the "Land of Dreams" for travelers 

Assessing the success of Brazil’s hosting of the World Cup 2014 and Olympic Games 2016 will pivot on more than positive net income metrics and avoiding a stadium infrastructure legacy of white elephants. The aspiration of hosting mega-sport events such as the World Cup is often justified in terms of nation branding. In the case of Brazil, successful nation branding will mean that by hosting a World Cup, Brazil will create and generate certain – hopefully favorable – national images. 
