CPD Event

Theatre transcends the human experience. Join noted playwright David Henry Hwang for an intimate conversation about his new work.

TONIGHT: Can we ever have peace with nuclear weapons at the ready? Dr. Robert L. Gallucci discusses the reality of a nuclear war in today's geopolitical environment.

Applications are now being accepted for CPD's annual training program, Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy, which is geared for the world's public diplomats. 

Ma Ying-jeou, former President of Taiwan, joined CPD for an insider's view on cross-strait relations.

A mini-course to develop proficiency in analyzing and integrating a variety of data to create impactful public diplomacy strategies and programs. 

Photo: Yorkfoto on iStock

How does the world see the U.S. and when standing in the heartland, is that view different? A CPD-University of Oklahoma event.

CPD's discussion with the Republic of Korea's Ambassador for Public Diplomacy, Ms. Enna Park, focused on public diplomacy opportunities and challenges in the age of geopolitical unrest and digital disruption.

What happens in L.A. happens in the world. Hear from local thought leaders about critical global matters.
