CPD Event


TOMORROW: Pablo Barberá on how social networking platforms are transforming political processes around the world.

AMISOM Battalion in Mogadishu

A panel discussion hosted by CPD on March 8th featuring counterterrorism experts from DC, USC and beyond.

Lessons Learned for the Next Administration: A CSIS-CPD Event

Photo of Smithsonian via Wikipedia

Aviva Rosenthal on how the Smithsonian engages with global audiences in new ways.

A book talk about memory, identity and the American experience, April 5, 2017. 

wikileaks mobile truck capital hill

Journalist Mary Thompson-Jones discussed what the leaked embassy cables revealed about PD.

León Krauze and Pamela Starr share their expert insights on November 10.

September 27, 2016

Find out more about the use of digital tools in achieving U.S. foreign policy goals.
