The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

The Mexican Consulate in San Francisco looks closer at the PD role of diaspora artists.

How an annual Indian festival is forging permanent friendships in Egypt.

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We need an army of corporate diplomats, from multiple sectors, engaged in strategic corporate diplomacy efforts to shore up America’s soft power reserves.

Turkish faith-based NGOs are harnessing a positive image for Turkey in recipient countries.

Guests at Tokyo Disneyland, 2010/via Flickr Creative Commons

A recent book from Martha Bayles, a lecturer in humanities at Boston College, tackles the question of how American entertainment industry products confound official U.S.

Barbara Walters/via Flickr Creative Commons

Is anyone better positioned to ‘inform and influence’ international audiences today?

The best known example of public diplomacy broadcasting just ended. Did you notice?

Think of the First World War and what are the words that come to mind?



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