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The urgent need to include the expertise of Russian professionals in international efforts to control the global TB epidemic must override U.S. and European reservations about partnering with colleagues based in the Russian Federation. Eight million lives depend on it. 

 "Future Saadiyat Island" by Dom Sagolla

Ambassador Rugh explains how Abu Dhabi's investment in education, medicine, art, and music constitutes a new kind of cultural diplomacy.

PA Katawng IDP camp in Burma

In recent weeks, warfare in Burma’s Kachin State has increased and is now making its way closer to the Burma-China border. While the international community has paid little attention to the Kachin conflict over the past few years, understanding its complexity is now more important than ever. Failing to do so could have dire implications on the lives of Kachin women, and on diplomatic relations in the region.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari throws down the gauntlet to the Taliban at the recent cultural festival in Sindh.

In her essay on the different types of public diplomacy, American university professor R.S. Zaharna identified policy networking strategy and coalition building as third-tier relationship-building initiatives (Snow and Taylor, 2008).

Strategically, the default to “propaganda” creates blind spots, its own reverse deception, and most importantly, a lost opportunity.

While the Klitschko brothers are known as champions of heavyweight boxing, the older brother Vitali is transforming himself into a politician that represents the new Ukraine.

Formerly called “Doctor Ironfist,” Vitali is extending his heavyweight champion brand far beyond HBO sports audiences -- he has emerged as the international spokesperson for the pro-Western, pro-reform Ukraine. 



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