A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pope Francis Says The Internet Is A Gift From God

Pope Francis today described the internet as a "gift from God," hailing its ability to foster dialogue among disparate groups, though he acknowledged that the speed of social media can make it difficult for users to engage in self-reflection. Francis made the comments in a statement released Thursday, for the Catholic Church's World Communications Day.

Tags: new technology, digital diplomacy, catholicism, pope francis, vatican city, catholic church's world communications day

Vatican Kitchen Goes Kosher For Visiting Rabbis

The kitchen of Pope Francis’ Vatican residence was made kosher for a day last week, as the pontiff hosted a delegation of rabbis from his native Argentina. The gesture was a sign of the close personal relationship between Francis and the Jewish community, and continued efforts to strengthen the institutional relationship between Jews and the Church.

Tags: faith diplomacy, religion, gastrodiplomacy, judaism, food diplomacy, pope francis, vatican city, kosher, rabbis

Can Sochi Athletes Be Diplomats?

He can still dunk like a butterfly, but in the personally tragic case of former basketball pro Dennis Rodman in North Korea, the embrace of Kim Jong Un and his policies sting like a bee. Rodman is only the most recent example of sports diplomacy gone awry. And with the Sochi Olympics a few weeks away, it is inevitable that a new cadre of unpredictable athlete diplomats will make it to center stage.

Tags: russia, sports diplomacy, olympics, advocacy, athletes, 2014 sochi winter olympics, 2014 winter olympics

Toronto Out, Is U.S. In For The 2024 Olympics?

The 24/7 Olympic news cycle is consumed right now, and understandably, with security issues for the forthcoming Winter Games in Sochi. Then, too, there are the construction woes over the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro, where the International Olympic Committee president, Thomas Bach, is paying a visit this week.

Tags: united states, nation branding, sports diplomacy, canada, olympics, international olympics committee, toronto, 2024 summer olympics, alan abrahamson

Barricades And Samba In Rio

Surrounded by samba music, residents of the Metro Mangueira favela were celebrating after a week of conflict. The small community is located next to the Mangueira favela, where 18,000 people live and is the headquarters of "Estacao Primeira de Mangueira", a famous samba school, where musicians like Jamelao and Cartola composed and played.

Tags: nation branding, brazil, poverty, rio de janeiro, 2014 fifa world cup, favelas, people's committee for the cup and olympic games

Will Japan Abandon Pacifism?

It wasn't a reassuring moment. Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday, Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, compared recent tensions between China and Japan to the rivalry between the British and German empires at the start of the 20th century.

Tags: china, soft power, japan, foreign policy, military diplomacy, history, shinzo abe, pacifism,

Stopping Sectarian Violence With A Selfie?

How are sectarian politics affecting the lives of those in Lebanon? After a series of bombings fuelled by sectarian tensions, citizens have taken to social media, using the hashtag #NotAMartyr to express their frustration with Lebanon’s fragile state of security and politics. We'll continue that conversation and hear what some citizens have to say about shaping their nation’s future.

Tags: social media, twitter, youth, lebanon, terrorism, security, campaigns, sectarian violence, selfies

Six Markets To Watch: Mexico

Just over a year ago, as President Enrique Peña Nieto started his administration, the domestic and international press were touting “Mexico’s moment” and the rise of “the Aztec tiger.” Now, the naysayers have returned. Their pessimism stems in part from disappointing economic results: Mexico’s GDP growth has fallen, from nearly four percent in 2012 to around an estimated one percent in 2013.

Tags: mexico, economy, nafta, enrique pena nieto, pacific alliance, trans-pacific partnership, reforms, manufacturing


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