A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Multiculturalism Is Unpopular – Even Though It Makes Happier Societies

How do people feel about multicultural policies? Ethnic majorities tend to resent them, and feel less safe in societies with a number of affirmative and rights-based policies, write Pamela Irving Jackson and Peter Doerschler. As a result, governments have come under pressure to ensure policies that tackle inequality benefit everyone. Yet both ethnic majorities and minorities declare themselves happier with their lives and governments when they live in states with multicultural policies.

Tags: multiculturalism, public opinion, survey, european social survey, multicultural policy index, muslims, europe

U.N. Body Hails Initiatives under Responsible Tourism

The much-lauded ‘Responsible Tourism’ (RT) initiatives have won further recognition with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) describing them as a model for other tourist destinations across the world. The international tourism organisation also called for development of closer ties between Kerala Tourism and the UNWTO, emphasising the importance of further association to help take forward the message of sustainable tourism.

Tags: advocacy, international advocacy, tourism, responsible tourism, kerala tourism, united nations world tourism organization, sustainable development goals, kerala, india

The Woman who Brought Japan to Zadar

Yamasaki is the only Croat with permanent residence in Osaka for the past 20 years, while three years ago at the initiative of former Japanese ambassador to Croatia she brought Japan and Osaka to Zadar. It was at the first Tuna, Sushi & Wine Festival. [...] She embodied the original idea of the festival on the economic, gastronomic and cultural exchange of Japan and Croatia, or Osaka and Zadar.

Tags: gastrodiplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange, washoku, croatia, japan, tuna sushi & wine festival

A Nationwide Coffee Fundraiser For The ACLU

The ACLU is America’s non-partisan guardian of liberty, working tirelessly since 1920 to defend the country’s original civic values, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They have no political affiliation or ideological component to their mission. Today they’re defending innocent refugee and immigrant families impacted by the recent executive orders—tomorrow they could be defending you, because they are committed to defending all of us.

Tags: fundraise, aclu, coffee, help refugees, travel ban, advocacy, citizen participation, united states, civic values

Julian Castro Hopes U.S.-Mexico Partnership Continues Under Trump

Castro said that past presidents including George W. Bush have understood the value of economic and cultural exchange between the U.S. and Mexico. But Trump isn’t like past presidents. "Of course, there was a phone call recently between President Trump and President Pena-Nieto," Castro said. "That was not encouraging. My hope is that the president will surround himself with good people that understand the relationship.

Tags: us-mexico relations, united states, mexico, julian castro, Donald Trump, enrique pena nieto, economic exchange, cultural exchange, government pd

Black Diaspora Kicks-off Black History Month on Campus

“Black Synergy,” this year’s Black History Month theme, refers to the stimulating collaborations and events that the Africana studies department is bringing to the CSUN community this month. “We spearhead the celebration of Black History Month,” said White. According to White, Black Diaspora aims to remind the community of this month in an intellectual, artistic, and rhythmic way.

Tags: black diaspora, black history month, campus engagement, black synergy, diaspora, non-state pd

Iran Bars U.S. Wrestlers from Tournament

The event opened the door for other U.S. sports and cultural exchanges, too. “In the past, wrestling has played an important role in diplomacy,” Bender said. “This looks like a setback for sure. But it doesn’t necessarily impact our relationship with the Iranian wrestling federation.”

Tags: Donald Trump, travel ban, iran, united states, olympics, cultural exchange, sports diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy

Group Launches NYC Food Tours

President Trump's hard-to-swallow travel ban has sparked a new series of local culinary tours and restaurant maps showcasing food from the seven affected countries. The new offerings were cooked up by a collective of fund-raising foodies who came together last weekend and named themselves Breaking Bread NYC.

Tags: Donald Trump, culinary diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy, advocacy, new york, city diplomacy, travel ban, cultural exchange, Cultural Diplomacy


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