A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Trump’s Immigration Ban: Will it Undercut American Soft Power?
Protecting our nation is one of the most important roles of the federal government, and we do need to be thoughtful about how to establish effective immigration polices. However, the broad-based nature of the ban flies in the face of decades of support for the power of international exchange. Even a foreign policy hard line approach would typically be softened by an ongoing support of international exchange.
Culture and Arts Lead the Way in Turkish-Israeli Reconciliation
Avcı will meet his Israeli counterpart Miri Regev before the opening of the trade show and will discuss culture and tourism cooperation between the two countries. He will also meet with representatives of the Turkish and Israeli tourism sector, in a bid to end the decline in the number of tourists from Israel.
Women Are Leading The Resistance Against Trump
On Monday night, acting Attorney General Sally Yates did what so many (male) figures in the U.S. government have been unwilling to do: push back on a potentially unconstitutional executive order. She was quickly relieved of her duties, but her actions made a powerful statement, hopefully paving the way for more acts of resistance at the federal level.
Does Brand Nationality Still Matter?
While the world of business is increasingly connected and integrated on the global scale, the nationality of a brand at times attains growing political significance in today’s marketplace. Some argue that with globalization a brand’s nationality—its perceived national association—has become so tenuous that contemporary consumers may not care where a brand is from or even know the country-of-origin information of the brands they purchase.
Starbucks Says It Will Hire 10,000 Refugees Worldwide in Next 5 Years
Leaders of several American companies have announced plans to hire, house or otherwise support people affected by President Trump's sweeping freeze on people seeking asylum in the U.S. or traveling from seven largely Muslim countries. [...] Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz says his company plans to hire 10,000 refugees in the next five years in the 75 countries where it does business.
The Approach the EU Should Take to the Western Balkans
The soft power capabilities of the EU are weakening for a number of reasons, including institutional confusion, Brexit, the Refugee crisis, terrorism, the rise of populism, resistance among member states to further enlargement given the Union’s economic problems. [...] Given this situation, political developments in the Western Balkans that have a direct impact on regional security must be closely monitored.
With Travel Ban, Trump Fails Public Diplomacy 101
Public diplomacy is one of the most powerful tools a president has to inform and influence the world by communicating American values and interests. By engaging with citizens overseas, we expand and extend our national security through the dissemination of news, information, culture, education, entrepreneurship and everything else that make a democracy strong.
From Syria with Art
Since opening in 1970, von Bartha has exhibited modern and contemporary artists across historically significant movements. Representing over 20 artists and estates, the programme includes contemporary artists in a dialogue with Kinetic art and Concrete art. Working closely with the Salamieh Hospital in Hawarti, Syria, SUPERFLEX has sourced necessary surgical tools which are exhibited within the gallery space.
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