A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Does Japan’s Foreign Aid in Africa Provide Diplomatic Benefits?

Japan already has the tools in place and the commitment – through its broader strategic approach to Africa evidenced by TICAD – to leverage its provision of aid in Africa. The challenge in the coming years will be to shape the narrative about its aid for the local population. Japan needs to look at ways to better connect its programs to its national brand and needs to utilize its diplomatic tools to engage more deeply with people in recipient countries.

Tags: japan, africa, foreign aid, shinzo abe, chengdu, sustainable development, global aid & development, nation branding, Nation Image

Istorya-DC ’16 Spotlights Filipino Cuisine, ‘Gastro Diplomacy’

Filipino American food’s past and future, its role in diplomacy, and restaurants in the US capital serving Filipino cuisine took center stage at a symposium held at the Philippine Embassy in commemoration of Filipino American History and Archives Month.


Tags: gastro diplomacy, filipino cuisine, Cultural Diplomacy, philippine, philippine embassy, cultural exchange, agra municipal corporation

No Need To Fear A Chinese Takeover If Their Illogical Olympic Preparation Is Anything To Go By

Beijing sees sporting prowess as a key soft power weapon and sensitivities over China’s performance at Rio 2016 led Chinese television censors to briefly stymie the BBC World broadcast about the plight of China’s gymnasts. The screen went black, as routinely occurs during stories considered politically inconvenient to the Communist Party. 

Tags: beijing, china, soft power, Rio 2016 Olympics, international broadcasting, communism, united states, britain, agra, cctv, solar energy

Why Nations Need to Brand Themselves

Nations can and should nurture their brands much as consumer products and other companies do, a bevy of speakers said Friday at the Wharton Nation Brand 2016 conference. [...] Countries have branding as part of their DNA, panelists said, pointing to Germany's reputation as a powerhouse of skilled engineering, France's reputation as a haven of culture and Brazil's fame as a place of soccer, beaches and fun.

Tags: nation branding, islamic heritage, germany, singapore, france, brazil, international image, influence, economic development

Washington’s Untapped Influence in Myanmar

On 7 October, President Obama signed an executive order lifting nearly all of the remaining economic sanctions on Myanmar’s government [...]  Despite China’s enduring influence over its neighbour, the United States enjoys several unrecognised advantages over the Asian giant, flowing from its substantial soft power, an asset China has failed to cultivate.

Tags: united states, president obama, myanmar, aung san suu kyi, smart & soft power, government pd, china, bilateral relations, asia

Japanese Back Global Engagement Despite Concern About Domestic Economy

Despite souring public sentiment about their domestic economy and some concern about Japan’s declining role on the world stage, the Japanese are outward looking. They believe that involvement in the global economy is good for the country and that Japan should help other nations, particularly developing ones, deal with their problems.

Tags: japan, public opinion, global aid & development, economic development, china, united states, global influence

India Must Consider Strategic Communication to Achieve National Goals

Twenty-first century statecraft, they say, is about “smart power”, the effective leveraging of both hard and soft power. [...] Leaving aside India’s soft power advantages and its hard power – both military and economic – which is poised to increase exponentially if it maintains its present trajectory, let us examine the concept of strategic communication within India’s policy structure. 

Tags: india, narendra modi, smart & soft power, strategic communication, economic development, pakistan

South Africa: Culture, Cuisine, Cordial Relations On Show At the Diplomatic Fair

South Africans and embassy officials on Saturday braved the scorching sun to partake in the Diplomatic Fair at the Union Buildings. The fair, the brainchild of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation, has been held annually in October since 2006 and serves as a key platform to educate the public about diplomacy.

Tags: south africa, pretoria, Cultural Diplomacy, diplomatic fair, education, government pd, art, music, gastrodiplomacy


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