A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
UK Students to Learn Indian Culture
The British Council has launched an exchange programme for students from the UK to study in India. A group of 500 students will arrive in the country and 50 among them will be joining the University of Kerala for a two-week-long course in Indian Studies. The syllabus will be prepared by the faculty attached with the University of Kerala.
The VOA is Not a Wire Service
There’s been a growing tendency lately (particularly on BBGWatch, an online watchdog) to compare, unfavorably, the Voice of America's (VOA) performance, as measured by number of stories or live reports from the scene of breaking news, with other national and international news organizations. Behind much of this criticism is an implicit expectation that VOA’s coverage should be as fast and broad as that of large wire service-type enterprises such as AP or CNN, or even the BBC.
Cuban Officials Eager for Partnerships with US Institutions
More than 130,000 American citizens have traveled to Cuba in the last six months under federal exemption rules designed to increase "purposeful travel" and diplomatic relations between the Caribbean nation and the United States. [...] Representatives from U.S. and Cuban government, higher education and research agencies met at the National Press Club to discuss new and existing agreements with institutions like the University of Havana.
Lawyers Head to Lesvos to Provide Legal Aid
The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) and the Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV) have launched their joint European Lawyers in Lesvos project, aimed at providing legal assistance to migrants requiring international protection. [...] The purpose of the project is to give migrants and refugees the chance to receive individual legal advice from a lawyer – crucial at a time of great uncertainty amongst the more than 4,000 on the island as to their legal entitlements.
#NextSG Tests UN Digital Diplomacy, Transparency
Candidates vying to become the next United Nations Secretary General are taking questions from the public via social media and answering concerns from member states. The five permanent Security Council members - China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States – normally chose the UN chief in a secretive process. But this time, part of that process is happening on live television in a debate broadcast globally by Al Jazeera.
'K-Style': Not Typical Guidebook of Korea
When Corea Image Communication Institute (CICI) President Choi Jung-wha became an international conference interpreter in the late ‘80s, many foreigners either knew nothing or new very little of Korea. For instance, and when somebody finally recognized the country's name, he or she would say that the late Kim Jong-il, father of Jong-un, was the country's president. Choi's newly published book "K-Style" is not your typical geographical guidebook ― it does not feed readers with the usual information about Korea.
When Finnish Students Visit an American High School, It’s Mutual Admiration
International summits are typically stiff, orchestrated affairs where even loosening a tie can seem like a radical breach of protocol. [...] Over pizza, cookies and games that involved M&Ms and stories about their favorite childhood toys, a group of 15 student leaders from Finland and 16 student government leaders at Gaithersburg High School met Tuesday to share experiences and explore differences for teenagers in the two countries.
‘That Ignoramus’: 2 French Scholars of Radical Islam Turn Bitter Rivals
What propels Islamist terrorism and attacks against France is more than an academic debate: The answer shapes policy toward blunting the threat. So it is no inconsequential matter in a culture under attack, and one that so cherishes its intellectual debates, that France’s two leading scholars of radical Islam — former friends — have turned bitter rivals over their differing views.
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