A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Cool Asian Fashion Brands Challenge Western Labels
“Can we make ‘made in Asia, designed in Asia’ become cool, I think yes we can because the stigma that Asian brands had is disappearing and we have all the right ingredients and the manufacturing base,” said Joowon Park, director at Seoul-based Simone Fashion Company.
Trump Diminishes Democracy
More people around the world know about the offensive remarks made by Trump who tweets. That is why this election campaign has undermined America’s plan to promote democracy abroad, through persuasion or by force. If Trump becomes the President, America’s public diplomacy campaigns will become even less credible.
Pakistan’s Culture Attracts Thousands at ‘Around the World Embassy Tour’
The Pakistan Embassy arranged a range of educational and cultural programming in collaboration with the Cultural Tourism DC that increased public awareness about Pakistan.
China Developing Soft Power Infra Along Silk Road
China is digging deep into its cultural roots to anchor a seamless revival of the ancient Silk Road, in tune with a growing domestic focus on tapping the achievements of its past.
New Getty Cave Exhibit Displays the Original Global Village
A bit of China has arrived in Los Angeles, in the form of an extensive exhibit at the Getty Center that recreates an ancient landmark along the legendary Silk Road. [...] The Cave Temples of Dunhuang, also called the Mogao Caves, is a complex of almost 500 caves in northwest China that was active between the 4th and 14th centuries.
Viral Cultural Exchange
Creator says popular online videos aimed at showing Turkey China’s good side, and giving advice to its bad [...] The term wanghong, which literally means "Internet favorites," has become widespread among the young generation. Today, it is possible to see many different types of wanghong in Chinese social media.
Giving What Little They Have
Albertans have been reading and watching with disbelief the incredible devastation brought by wildfires in Fort McMurray. But while all of us are viewing the destruction and mass evacuations with sympathy, most have no real understanding of their plight. [...] Syrian refugees well understand what those in Fort McMurray are going through. Remarkably, these same people who landed in our province mere months ago are stepping up to aid the wildfire victims
Made by China: The UK is on the Frontline of the Next Industrial Revolution
China’s transformation over the past 30 years from an insular, agricultural country to a global manufacturing powerhouse could only be maintained through the development of new high-value industries and the building of critical infrastructure. But the necessary know-how to achieve this was in the hands of international companies.
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