A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Why Turkey Is Building Mosques Around The World

President Barack Obama's decision not to attend the April 2 inauguration of a new mosque near Washington D.C. might have spoild the party a bit. The event was billed, after all, as the highlight of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent trip to the United States.

Tags: turkey, religion, mosque, united states, erdogan, smart & soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, islam, culture

Obama in Argentina: The Relaunch of Bilateral Relations

A week before President Barack Obama’s arrival to Argentina, the visit had already appeared in the major newspapers. Everyone pondered the agenda and the meaning of the trip. It was during this time that I received an email from the U.S. Embassy notifying me that I had been selected to participate in one of the major events that Obama would attend in Argentina: a town hall meeting. 

Tags: obama, argentina, latin america, bilateral relations, united states, government pd, trade, economic development, human rights

Into Africa: The Islamic State’s Online Strategy and Violent Extremism in Africa

As counter-attacks continue in the Middle East, the Islamic State’s activities in Africa, especially North Africa, are increasing. These activities include a defining characteristic of the Islamic State—its use of the Internet and social media to strengthen its control of territory and advance its extremist agenda. 

Tags: africa, isis, digital diplomacy & new tech, non state pd, social media, propaganda, violent extremism, middle east, north africa, al-shabaab, boko haram

Feminists in a Tangle over Islamic Fashion

When Laurence Rossignol, France’s minister for women’s rights, likened women willingly wearing the burka to African-Americans backing slavery, she caused international controversy. […] She later apologized for the “language mistake” but she stands by her point, criticizing brands such as Marks and Spencer and H&M that are designing Islamic fashion.

Tags: fashion diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, PD fail, france, europe, faith diplomacy

Malawi Empowers Children to Fight Sexual Abuse

[…] With only 50 instructors, small Kenyan charity Ujamaa has trained almost 25,000 Malawian children to fight the sexual abuse that is commonly committed by those they most trust. […] Backed by the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, the Ujamaa network, which started in some of the Kenyan capital Nairobi's toughest slums, now extends to more than 250 schools across seven districts.

Tags: international aid, international development, united nations, malawi, africa

Credible Elections Lead to a New, Democratic Era in Central African Republic

In 2014 and 2015 alone, the U.S. government committed hundreds of millions of dollars to humanitarian assistance and aid programs for the people of CAR. These funds provided basic services, but also included funding for reconciliation and social cohesion programs. 

Tags: international aid, government pd, aid diplomacy, central african republic, united states, african literature

Much of Indo-Pak Diplomacy is Cultural Diplomacy

Much of diplomacy happening between India and Pakistan is "cultural diplomacy", former foreign secretary Shyam Saran today said and credited Bollywood as one of the binding factors in forging people-to- people ties between the two countries. 

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, bollywood, non-state pd, international advocacy, pakistan, india, south asia

Myanmar's 'Long-Necked' Women Hope to Turn Tourism into Homecoming

For years Kayan women and girls have been driven across the border by poverty and conflict to earn money posing in holidaymakers' pictures in purpose-built Thai villages decried by rights campaigners as "human zoos". Now several have returned to their remote native Panpet area in Kayah state, Myanmar, with an entrepreneurial plan to reverse the flow of departures [...] from decades of solitude.

Tags: international advocacy, Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, international tourism, thailand, myanmar, southeast asia


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