A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
The Useful Idiots Show
During the 1950s, there was a term that was sometimes used to describe people who were exploited by Soviet communists to publicly support their ideology. The term was “useful idiots.” The phrase, like communism itself, has largely disappeared from use, but there are still plenty of useful idiots around. If you don’t believe it, just spend some time watching RT.
Can Your PlayStation Stop a War?
For government agencies and NGOs that work to foster peace [...] video games are the obvious next step in the fight to reach new audiences and change minds. […] And quite apart from the large, established game market in North America, Europe, and Asia, the gaming population in some conflict zones around the world is large and growing.
Your Old USB Flash Drive Could Help Fight North Korean Repression
The New York-based Human Rights Foundation and Forum 280, a Silicon Valley nonprofit, have teamed up to launch a program that will collect donated USB flash drives, load them with content ranging from "South Korean soap operas to Hollywood films to Korean-language versions of Wikipedia to interviews with North Korean defectors," and smuggle them into the North for ordinary North Koreans to enjoy.
The Walled City of Lahore: Protecting Heritage and History
After years of negligence and a lack of serious preservation efforts, the historic buildings and facades of Lahore’s old city are being rescued from further deterioration […] The Walled City of Lahore initiative has helped promote cultural activities and tourism in the city. The initiative allows visitors, both local and foreign, to get acquainted with the history, architecture, lifestyle, and community of old Lahore.
Sorry, Sushi Burrito: Japanese Program Certifies Authentic Cuisine
Across America, sushi is getting reimagined, often in outlandish ways. […] But none of them are authentically Japanese — not even the beloved California roll […] A new program from the country's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries will certify that Japanese restaurants operating outside the country uphold the values of traditional Japanese cuisine, known as washoku.
India Blocks Facebook's Plan for Free Internet
India's telecoms regulator ruled Monday that service providers must charge the same price for all content, dealing a crushing blow to "Free Basics," a Facebook initiative that had come under withering criticism from tech activists. "Free Basics," formerly known as Internet.org, offered limited Internet access to consumers who cannot afford a broadband connection or smartphone data plan.
Meet The Syrian YouTube Star Who's Making Germany Laugh
A Syrian refugee is showing Germany's locals and newcomers that the best way to understand each other is through humor. Firas Alshater, a drama student and filmmaker, is the star of a new YouTube video series that explores German society from a refugee's point of view.
Ready for Puerto Vallarta Jazz Festivals 2016
Organizers of the Puerto Vallarta Jazz Festival are fine tuning the last details of the event to be held February 12-13. The event is organized with the Sister City Foundation and Puerto Vallarta’s Sister City of Highland Park (Illinois).
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