A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Turkish Aid Agency Encourages Refugees To Stay in Syria
The agency is supporting camps for displaced civilians on the Syrian side of the border and was not actively promoting the services available in Turkey in the hope of discouraging more refugees from crossing, he said. “Any individual would like to stay in his or her country… (we) promote them to stay in their own country,” Oktay said, adding AFAD has provided aid in Syria throughout the conflict.
South Sudan Is Not A ‘Walk In The Park’- Ambassador Mariano Deng
Globally, sports, as an industry, remains one of the unifying factors, and the games are played to bring people together. Sport is crucial in what we now call sports diplomacy. It bridges the gap and as such, South Sudanese and Kenyans are very close people.
Public Opinion ‘An Important Power Component’ Today
Iran’s Javad Zarif has told a meeting of Foreign Ministry media and public diplomacy constitute an important component of power in today’s world.
Europe A Lost Cause For Israel? Not So Fast
He broke down European opinion on Israel into three broad camps: "One third of the population is very Left, they hate Israel and won't be persuaded otherwise. Another third are essentially pro-Israel, and another third just don't care [...] Focusing on the latter two camps should be the aim of Israeli public diplomacy, he advised, not trying in vain to sway the haters within the EU or elsewhere.
Bollywood's Song And Dance About Counterterrorism
In the mid-2000s, when the latter perspective was ascendant, the US and UK launched a "Cultural War on Terror", mobilising art, music and film - what the state department called Public Diplomacy 2.0 - aimed at disrupting the "jihadist narrative" and spreading liberal interpretations of Islam
Easing Control Over Canada's Foreign Envoys 'Very Sensible': Former Diplomat
Trudeau said he and his cabinet will rely on the diplomats' assessments and first-hand knowledge to advance Canada's foreign policy agenda.[...] "And so sending this letter to our ambassadors and high commissioners -- and essentially giving them freedom to do public diplomacy like the rest of the world -- is very positive sign."
Prosperous Ethnic Communities Promote Unity in Kunming
The development of various ethnic communities in Kunming, capital city of China's Southwestern Yunnan province, has tremendously strengthened the unity and harmonious co-existence of ethnic groups. Kunming is home to 52 ethnic groups, including Yi, Hui, Dai, Bai, Miao and so on.
Migration Tests Sweden's 'Humanitarian Superpower' Image
Overwhelmed by a massive influx of migrants, Sweden is approaching its fiscal and emotional limit and this "humanitarian superpower" is now being forced to hit the brakes.
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