A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Panda Diplomacy Reaching Israel: China to Give Two to Haifa Zoo

Following a diplomatic tradition going back millennia, China will be gifting Israel with two giant pandas, if it decides that the conditions in the Haifa zoo meet the animals' needs.

Tags: china, panda diplomacy, panda bears, israel, Haifa zoo, diplomatic tradition

Can China's Economic Diplomacy Translate into Leadership?

China's two-pronged Silk Road initiative, including overland and maritime linkages, has won accolades from leaders across Asia.  China is keener on fostering economic cooperation than building strategic alliances.

Tags: china, united states, east asia, regional diplomacy, economic diplomacy, silk road, Cultural Diplomacy

Pope Seeks Meeting with Russian Orthodox Leader

Pope Francis said Sunday he is ready to go anywhere, anytime to meet with the head of the Russian Orthodox Church — even while acknowledging that he doubts the day will ever come that Catholic and Orthodox theologians will agree to end the 1,000-year schism.

Tags: pope francis, catholicism, russian orthodox church, faith diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy

Nation Brand Image: a Stake for Future for France and Korea

Indeed, in the era of globalization, nation brand image is more necessary than ever; an increasing number of governments attempt to use the power of commercial branding techniques to valorize their country's image. 

Tags: nation branding, france, korea, globalization, international exchange

South Korea and EU: Promising Partnership for Development Cooperation?

In 2010, the European Union (EU) and Korea began a new era of engagement by establishing a strategic partnership, which intends to strengthen bilateral dialogue and cooperation in regional and global affairs. In this context, cooperation on international development appears to be a promising issue for the future agenda of the Korea- EU partnership.

Tags: european union, south korea, international development, partnership, regional diplomacy

Economic Development and Effectiveness Of Foreign Aid: A Historical Pespective

The effectiveness of official development aid is the subject of heated debate. This column argues that aid affects recipient economies in extremely complex ways and through multiple and changing channels. Moreover, this is a two-way relationship – realities in recipient countries affect the actions of aid agencies. 

Tags: international aid, historical perspective, united states, uk, academic view, development, recipient economies, channels, two-way relationship

Nepal’s Geopolitical Location Is Its Soft Power

Before the Summit, Nepal was considered a country in transition, being involved in the peace process for so long and having recently emerged from conflict. But the success of the Saarc Summit has sent a message to the world that Nepal is capable of organising such a large summit effectively, efficiently and without any problems. 

Tags: nepal, geopolitical location, soft power, SAARC Summit, dubai, pakistan, india, narendra modi

Celine Cooper: Canada Joins Twitter, Causes – What Else? – Language Controversy

Last Wednesday, Canada officially launched its national Twitter accounts in French and English as part of an integrated diplomacy strategy. (...) It wasn’t long before the first wave of criticism appeared. Not over anything related to international diplomacy. Rather — because this is Canada — the brouhaha was over language.

Tags: canada, twitter, social media, digital diplomacy, Parliament Hill, english, french


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