A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The US State Department's YouTube 'Digital Jihad'

As the US government rolled out its military response to Islamic State over the summer, its diplomatic arm ramped up another war - confronting the extremist group on the digital battleground.

Tags: united states, islamic state, digital diplomacy, counter terrorism, youtube, 'Digital Jihad', social media

New Arabic Site Provides Israeli News by Jewish, Arab Reporters

The new media revolution of recent years enables such direct appeals to the Arab public in its own language and the marketing of original content produced by a team of Jewish and Arab Israelis from a bureau on Rothschild Boulevard, in the heart of Tel Aviv.

Tags: israel, international broadcasting, israel project, israel-palestine conflict, al masdar

Is the 'Smile Diplomacy' by China Genuine?

The frosty handshake between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting in Beijing is providing an opportunity for the two countries to end the downward spiral of the last two years, but this is by no means assured. Both sides had their respective domestic audiences in mind at the historic meeting. 

Tags: china, xi jinping, shinzo abe, beijing, japan, soft power, government pd

China Using 'Soft Power' to Push Sino-Taiwan Reunification

China is using "soft power" in order to overcome decades of confrontation with Taiwan, encouraging the island to reunite with the mainland.

Tags: china, taiwan, soft power, li jiafan, united front, public opinion, xi jinping

Twitter Diplomacy at the Summit

Twiplomacy or ‘twitter diplomacy’ was at its peak with South Asian leaders taking to the social media platform as the 18th Saarc Summit kicked off in the Capital on Wednesday.

Tags: digital diplomacy, twitter, south asia, social media, SAARC Summit

UN Top Aid Official Valerie Amos to Step Down

The top UN official for humanitarian aid, Valerie Amos, who oversaw international relief efforts in Syria and other trouble spots, is stepping down, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said Wednesday.

Tags: united nations, valerie amos, aid official, internaional aid, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, humanitarian aid, syria

Song Swooning Over Presidential Couple Goes Viral in China

A video literally singing the praises of Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife has gone viral online.

Tags: china, viral video, presidential couple, digital diplomacy, YouTube-like websites, state run media

The Hidden Price of More Overseas Students at British Public Schools

Just a decade or so ago, most public‑school-educated parents felt obliged to give their children the same start in life they themselves were given (...). These days the price is just too high, says Andrew Halls, head of King’s College School in Wimbledon, and he’s been honest enough to name the cause: the hordes of prospective parents from other countries, oligarchs and oil men, all jostling for places for their progeny. They push the price of an elite ‘British’ education up beyond the reach of any ordinary Brit.

Tags: britain, international exchange, russia, russian middle class, germany


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