A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
On World Day, UN Spotlights Tourism’s Role in Promoting Sustainable Development
In harnessing the benefits of global tourism, the international community will take “critical” steps forward in advancing the United Nations’ sustainable development goals and post-2015 development agenda, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.
Time for Thailand to Develop Smart Power
Thai 'soft power' is highly visible in Indonesia through every-day encounters such as consumer products, entertainment, fashions, food and fruits, to name but a few. Somehow, Thai authorities who are promoting the country's smart power have no idea of utilising this popular and neutral medium. Na
Chinese Art Show Hailed in Cambodia
A 21-member troupe of Chinese artists from Soochow University in southeastern China's Suzhou City has performed a variety of Chinese arts here and triggered zeal from Cambodian spectators.
Israel Tries to Convert Commercial Appeal into Diplomatic Capital
For a country the size of New Jersey with a population smaller than Virginia’s, Israel has achieved spectacular progress in a once unlikely economic sector: science and technology. From a small cluster of industries once focused primarily on the military, this sector has blossomed into a vibrant international hub that shapes the country’s foreign partnerships.
For Muslims, Social Media Debate on Extremism Is Reflected in Dueling Hashtags
The group, the Active Change Foundation, a community organization in East London, began a campaign this month built around the Twitter hashtag #notinmyname, which has denounced the beheading of the British aid worker David Haines and other brutal acts committed by the radical group Islamic State.
Digital War Takes Shape on Websites Over ISIS
Just as the United States has begun an aggressive air campaign against the militants, Richard A. Stengel, the under secretary of state for public diplomacy, believes the United States has no choice but to counter their propaganda with a forceful online response.
Ebola Is Not Just West Africa's Crisis
This is an emergency of enormous scale, and we all have a moral obligation to stand shoulder to shoulder to ensure its swift conclusion. Especially, as we see time and again, it is the poorest and most vulnerable that are most at risk.
Montanans Celebrate "Sister State" Relationship During Visit to China
A cultural relationship that started in 1999 was celebrated on Thursday night in southwest China. Montana governor Steve Bullock and Guangxi governor Chen Wu took down the cover of the ceremonial wall of friendship between the two locations.
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