Asia Pacific

On the nation state’s viability in addressing climate change at the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit.

In a Miami Herald op-ed, CPD Board Member Markos Kounalakis explains how Beyoncé and Jay Z's artistry contrasts with China's authoritarian regime.

Master of Public Diplomacy candidate and student diplomat Wa'el Nimat discusses how Ping-Pong Diplomacy between the U.S. and China represents a non-traditional tool of diplomacy.

This installment of a Pacific Council on International Policy series discusses the defining features of Chinese soft power.

Examining Chinese-Pakistani relations and the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on China's cultural diplomacy.

Girl Scout Kana Walsh writes why on this International Day of the Girl Child, the global community should explore ways to make humanitarian mapping tools more available to young girls.

The rise of digital diplomacy was thought to lessen the importance of diplomat-journalist relationships, but recent experience indicates the contrary.

From summit diplomacy to sports diplomacy, 2018 saw the role of public diplomacy continue to grow when it came to security challenges on the Korean Peninsula.