A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Russia Today Launches Provocative New Ad Campaign

Russia Today has launched a new ad campaign that takes a serious dig at the way the US media reported on the Iraq war. A set of posters from the Kremlin-funded TV channel that have begun popping around New York City seem to suggest that RT could have helped to avoid the war. 


Branding Can Help Country Get its Due Share in World Market

A little focus on branding could do a miracle at the economic front as it would not only change an ordinary product into special one but also attract the buyers. This was upshot of the speeches delivered at a seminar on “Branding Pakistan” organized by the LCCI Standing Committee on National Outreach Program. 

Tags: nation branding, pakistan, china, united states, japan, germany, economic growth, global development

Power play: China and India Jostle for Influence in Nepal

Nepal's increasing willingness to take such steps shows China's growing influence in the country, an influence that some see as posing a threat to India, which has traditionally held sway over its small northern neighbour. And while scholars disagree on whether Delhi or Beijing currently has the upper hand, there is certainly growing pressure on India's new prime minister, Narendra Modi, to redress the balance.

Tags: china, india, nepal, influence, asia, direct foreign investment, global aid, soft power, tourism

EU's Russia foreign policy: From Venus to Mars?

Ten years ago, Robert Kagan famously compared the relationship between the EU and the US to the one between Venus and Mars. Brussels would be the amicable face of the couple wielding its normative influence and soft power potential, in contrast with Washington's aggressive foreign policy. Recent developments, however, have shown that the EU might be giving up its soft politics for a more bellicose stance, at least on Russia.

Tags: soft power, hard power, russia, ukraine, brussels, united states, european union

Ukraine Crisis: Russian Aid Convoy Arrives at Border

Lorries from a Russian convoy carrying aid to eastern Ukraine have reached a border post controlled by separatists. But they seem unlikely to cross into Ukraine immediately as the Red Cross said it had still not received security guarantees for the convoy to continue. Earlier Ukraine's military said that separatists had shot down a government fighter jet near the rebel-held city of Luhansk in the east of the country.

Tags: russia, ukraine, global aid, europe, putin, russian separatists, red cross

With Aid Doctors Gone, Ebola Fight Grows Harder

As an array of international organizations, wealthy countries and charitable groups gear up to provide desperately needed resources to fight the outbreak, the absent doctors and volunteers are a reminder of the daunting practical obstacles. Many African health workers battling Ebola are contracting it themselves. At least 170 workers have gotten the disease, according to the World Health Organization, and more than 80 have died.

Tags: global aid, ebola, medical diplomacy, united states, africa, united nations

All Eyes on Africa

China and the United States are not alone in the game of summit diplomacy: The European Union has been hosting summit meetings with African leaders for nearly 10 years, while France and Japan have been at it for even longer; India joined the fray about five years ago. While it would be naïve to conclude that the burgeoning of Chinese engagements across Africa have not influenced the US response...

Tags: global aid, global development, africa, united states, summit diplomacy, direct foreign investment, china

Scotland's Independence Fever is Contagious

Albert Royo-Mariné, secretary general of the Public Diplomacy Council of Catalonia, a government-supported group that seeks to raise awareness about Catalonia, says that regardless of its outcome, the Scottish referendum is a "victory for democracy and common sense, and thus, it is a great example to Catalans."

Tags: scotland, independence, catalonia, public diplomacy, culture, language


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