A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.
Hebrew U. University of Maryland Sign Education Collaboration Agreement
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) signed an agreement on Sunday to increase education and research exchanges and collaborations. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, UMB President Jay A. Perman, MD, and the university’s faculty met with counterparts from the Hebrew University to ratify the extension of a student exchange program which began in 2013 and to explore future collaborative opportunities.
'We Only Knew What Colour Kate Was Wearing a Few Days Ago': Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau's Stylist on the Diplomacy of the Royal Tour Fashion
When Canada’s First Lady Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau was photographed alongside The Duchess of Cambridge this weekend, her outfit helped to accomplish the next stage in her carefully orchestrated ‘project’ to promote under-the-radar Canadian designers. [...] This strategy of wearing exclusively Canadian brands is one that Gregoire-Trudeau and her old-friend-turned-style-advisor Jessica Mulroney have been working on ever since they inadvertently created a fashion moment with the cream wrap coat Trudeau wore to see her husband sworn in as Prime Minister last year.
Thailand Embassy to Organise Cultural Events to Celebrate King's 89th Birthday
The Thailand embassy in Doha is planning to organise a series of cultural activities and events in the coming months to celebrate the 89th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej on December 5. “The recent ‘Muaythai Roadshow in Qatar’ last month was a huge success in promoting traditional Thai boxing in the country and we plan to organise such [an] event again,” Thai ambassador Soonthorn Chaiyindeepum told Gulf Times.
Sichuan Turns Into Hub of Sino-Pak Cooperation in Civil and Military Sectors
China’s Sichuan province has turned into a major hub of Pakistan-China bilateral cooperation both in military and socio-economic sectors. Major companies are coming from Chengdu, Sichuan region that are heavily investing in Pakistan, giving boost to their trade and military-to-military relationship.
UN Starts Data Partnership With Twitter in Support of Global Development Goals
The United Nations Global Pulse initiative on Friday announced a partnership with Twitter that will provide the United Nations with access to the platform's data tools to support efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by world leaders in September last year. [...] UN Global Pulse is an innovation initiative of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that harnesses data science and analytics for sustainable development and humanitarian action.
China’s Influence Over Hollywood Grows
China has never been shy about its desire to acquire “soft power” – the kind of cultural and economic influence that can’t be wielded by military might. And Hollywood has often been a partner in its project. China’s bid for soft power was on show this week, as Sony Pictures Entertainment formed an alliance with Dalian Wanda, a Chinese company that has become one of the world’s largest media empires...
Bringing Singaporeans and Japanese Together Through Culture and Games in Marine Parade
The Tao Nan Primary School pupil was among 120 students - 60 local Marine Parade residents and 60 from the Japanese School of Singapore - at Moshi Moshi, Hello! Singapore-Japan Exchange 2016, an event to promote intercultural exchange and mutual understanding between children from the local and Japanese communities.
Beijing-Linked Phoenix TV Seeks Hong Kong License As China Extends 'Soft Power'
Bruce Lui, senior journalism lecturer at Hong Kong's Baptist University, said Phoenix operates with the full blessing of the Chinese government and represents the face of Beijing's "soft power." [...] "The traditional state media format is getting a little tired, so China is encouraging certain private-sector entrepreneurs to preach its message in more attractive packaging," he said.
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