The role of country images and knowledge of their constitution and effects is of major interest not only for scholars and professionals in the domain of public diplomacy, but also for various adjacent fields such as...
KEEP READINGPublic Diplomacy in Saudi Arabia
Is Saudi Arabia successful at implementing its public diplomacy strategies? As the field of public diplomacy becomes increasingly integral to the practice of foreign policy, we review the Kingdom's soft power initiatives and diplomatic goals. From Saudi Arabia's increased humanitarian assistance to poor countries to the paradoxical image of Saudi women competing at the Rio Olympics, the collection of CPD blogs by researcher Najah Al-Osaimi and Multimedia content below review how Saudi Arabia balances its desire to achieve its public diplomacy goals, while also remaining true to its religious and cultural traditions.
Why Saudi Arabia Lost the "War for Talent" to Dubai: The billions spent in educating Saudi women will be another country’s gain.
Women at the Olympics: Saudi Arabia’s Image Paradox: Saudi Arabia's four female Olympians: progress or propaganda?
The Saudi Approach to Returning Jihadis: How Saudi Arabia utilizes PD tactics to curb and rehabilitate extremists.
Taming Riyadh’s Religious Police: Is the Kingdom on a true path of reform?
Rethinking Human Rights Diplomacy in the Kingdom: On the western push for human rights in Saudi Arabia.
How "Smart" is Saudi Arabia's Power?: Najah Al-Osaimi considers Saudi Arabia's smart power strategy.
- La Yekthar: Comedy and Commentary on Saudi Arabia
- The Saudi Arabian Pavilion: The Ultimate IMAX Experience
Photo by marviikad | CC BY-NC 2.0
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