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Today's geopolitical dynamics rely on the communication environment, ushering in a new reality for public diplomacy.

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Cutting-edge research on digital spaces and how to develop effective messaging for your audiences. 

Italy map and culture image by macrovector via

SAIS Europe (Bologna) faculty David Ellwood shares about the Italian foreign ministry's new initiative to formalize PD activities.


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Roopa Desai Trilokekar, 2021 Canada-U.S. Fulbright Visiting Research Chair in PD, will be featured. 


September 29, 2021

The upcoming World Expo in Dubai offers an opportunity to form human-to-human connections amid the uncertainty of today's world, writes CPD Director Jay Wang. 

Nordic flags by Alanyadk via

A podcast co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt.

Ukrainian flag image by jorono via

Valerie Samoilova of Ukraine's Foreign Ministry writes about an initiative to share the Ukrainian language abroad through museums.

Gears system image by macrovector-official via

A podcast co-hosted by CPD Faculty Fellow Nicholas J. Cull and Good Country Index founder Simon Anholt.
