In Review

Looking for all things soft power? Check out our roundup of content related to this important area of public diplomacy.

Explore city diplomacy from the perspective of CPD's hometown: Los Angeles.

To celebrate the inauguration of the USC London Office, CPD has created a roundup of content related to the United Kingdom.

A book on the Arab Spring, research on "fortress embassies," and more.

The first edition for 2018 features our events with Haroon Ullah and Philip Seib, as well as a number of posts from the CPD Blog.

Our top stories included the CPD-Oxford Doctoral Conference event, a blog by R.S. Zaharna on President Trump's public diplomacy, and CPD's Q&A with Joseph S. Nye, Jr.

Highlights from the year include Jay Wang's piece on emotional truth and Shaun Riordan's discussion of "new diplomacies."

A look at how new tools such as satellite remote sensing, virtual reality, bots and apps impact the practice of public diplomacy.