The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

The MPD delegation to Indonesia at KontraS

The MPD delegation to Indonesia engages with non-state actors in Jakarta.

BBC Handbook 1963

The BBC needs to get with the times, says former VOA Director David S. Jackson.

Lee Kuan Yew

Lessons from the late Prime Minister of Singapore.

Praying in Indonesia

More from the MPD Indonesia delegation, this time on faith diplomacy.

An Indonesia family waits for food from the U.S. Navy and IOM.

Listening with the International Organization for Migration in Jakarta.

Hillary Rodham Clinton meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem

Philip Seib on what the U.S. is getting wrong in the Middle East.

Hassan Saad, 13, who fled Idlib in Syria, flashes a victory sign while walking outside the refugees camp near the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern city of Yayladagi

Turkey wants to be known as a humanitarian nation, but do its actions match up?

An audience member takes a photo at the 50th Munich Security Conference 2014: Diplomacy in a Digital Age: Diplomacy in a Digital Age

Twitter may be leveling the diplomatic playing field.



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