The CPD Blog is intended to stimulate dialog among scholars and practitioners from around the world in the public diplomacy sphere. The opinions represented here are the authors' own and do not necessarily reflect CPD's views. For blogger guidelines, click here.

“Propaganda is not a moment in the history of communication, rather it is an element in the structure of communication," notes public diplomacy's lead historian.

CPD Research Associate Sohaela Amiri on opportunities for a reimagined statecraft in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Foreign ministries have been actively involved in national efforts to stem the coronavirus outbreak. 

Sudarshan Ramabadran of the India Foundation's Center for Soft Power discusses how India is working with Cambodia on the preservation of historic temples.

"The global COVID-19 pandemic will be seen in retrospect as the 'great accelerator' that moved us from the continuity of the past to a new era," writes CPD Advisory Board Member Nathan Gardels.

India's Namaste greeting follows social distancing guidelines and has been adopted by world leaders, writes Aparna M Sridhar of the Center for Soft Power.

CPD Research Fellow (2017-19) Diana Ingenhoff, Kadir Jun Ayhan (Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies Graduate School of International and Area Studies) and Efe Sevin (Towson Univ.) reveal key takeaways.

CPD Director Jay Wang on a public diplomacy perspective during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.



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