A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Swedish Cuisines and Food Preservation Techniques

Sweden is known as the largest Scandinavian country and its climate and location are largely responsible for the development of its cuisine. In the olden days, the Swedes stocked their food supplies as a preparatory step before the long cold winters by preserving meats, fishes, fruits and vegetables. [...] During our study, as part of the International Exchange Programme of Parvatibai Chowgule College, I came across several traditional and modern techniques of food preservation practices that have been passed on from generation to generation.

Tags: nation brand, international exchange, gastrodiplomacy, sweden, scandinavia, swedish cuisine, op-ed, food preservation, transgenerational practices

Conflict, Exile, Uprising: Arab Art From the Modern to the Contemporary

The Martyr’s Epic is now among many other treasures in the collection of the Barjeel Art Foundation, a museum established in 2010 in the United Arab Emirates to house the art collection of Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi. [...] Although the Barjeel Art Foundation collection is identified as Arab art, the term “Arab” is a broad one, comprising peoples of numerous nations, including Algeria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Sudan, among others.

Tags: soft power, arab art, battle of karbala, kadhim hayder, barjeel art foundation, contemporary art, identity, arab world

Nigeria: AUN Qualifies for Final of Facebook Global Digital Challenge

The Women Against Violent Extremism, WAVE, campaign, developed by AUN students, has reached the international final of the Facebook Global Digital Challenge. [...] The AUN students' WAVE campaign, tagged #IAmABeliever2, seeks to promote religious tolerance in Nigeria by inspiring women and girls in the country to value their beliefs, respect the beliefs of others and take action against violent extremism within their communities.

Tags: international advocacy, nigeria, AUN, women against violent extremism, facebook, social media, global digital challenge, religious tolerance, social media activism

Peru Climbs 11 Places in Country Brand Ranking

Peru's country brand rose 11 spots in the Country Brand Ranking list released by Bloom Consulting, compared to its previous report. This way, Peru ranked 41st on a global scale for the 2017/18 period. According to Bloom Consulting, the Andean nation is reaping the rewards of a good Country Branding strategy. Peru overtook countries like Panama (42nd), Puerto Rico (43rd), Costa Rica (46th) and Chile (48th) in an overall ranking of 193 nations and territories.

Tags: nation branding, country branding, global rankings, nation brand, peru, latin america, country brand ranking list

‘France and UAE Fight Common Battle Against Terrorism’

“In the area of security and defense, France and the UAE are fighting a common battle against terrorism and extremism, both on the ground and in the minds,” said Ludovic Pouille, the new French Ambassador to the UAE. [...] About the joint initiatives of France and the UAE, he said: “I am thinking in particular of the joint Franco-UAE initiative that led to the organization last December in Abu Dhabi of the international Conference on Safeguarding Endangered Cultural Heritage.," the envoy said.

Tags: cultural relations, cultural heritage, nation branding, france, united arab emirates, cooperation, counter terrorism, bilateral relations, europe, middle east

Forty Years of Arab-British Cultural Diplomacy- Through the Eyes of the Housekeeper

Cultural diplomacy is a tricky business and the same was certainly true in 1977 when the Arab British Centre (ABC) was set up. The aim of the London-based organization was to improve understanding of the Arab world in the UK through political lobbying and cultural programmes.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, arab world, britain, housekeeper, arab british centre, mutual understanding, cooperation

ICC: Boost Support for Justice on 19th Anniversary

The court’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute, was adopted on July 17, 1998. A year of activities leading up to the 20th anniversary in 2018 presents an opportunity to build much-needed political support for the ICC's important judicial work. [...] Backing from member countries is needed to carry out the court’s investigations, arrest warrants, and witness protection programs. Private and public diplomacy is necessary to protect the court’s independence and legitimacy from outside political pressure.

Tags: international advocacy, Facilitation, international criminal court, justice, rome statute, 20th anniversary, private and public support, criminal prosecution

Fisheries Diplomacy and the South China Sea

China’s island-building in the South China Sea may be the focus of the world’s attention in the region, but what’s happening beneath the waves deserves as much scrutiny and international action. It’s action where Australia could play a significant role. [...] Australia’s engagement with China on fishery matters should include an exchange of technical knowledge, skills and best practices to support better fisheries management.

Tags: fisheries diplomacy, south china sea, australia, op-ed, regional fisheries management organization, china, technical knowledge


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