A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Conan the Diplomat

TBS’ late-night talk show Conan secretly sojourned to the island nation, becoming the first American late-night program to broadcast from Cuba in over 50 years. [...] O’Brien’s second travel special, Conan in Armenia, proved to be not only another boon for ratings, but also a powerful example of cultural and public diplomacy.

Tags: conan o'brien, non-state actor pd, Cultural Diplomacy, cuba, armenia, los angeles, armenian diaspora, kochari, yerevan

The Hard Dilemma: Counterterrorism and/or Shallow Freedom

The use of diplomacy in general and, in particular, to help create a global anti-terror coalition does not need to be demonstrated. Face-to-face diplomacy, at all levels, but above all in the Arab world, where personal relationships are culturally important is much less expensive than security operations, not to speak about the military ones, and it may substantially contribute to improve anti-terror cooperation. 

Tags: people to people diplomacy, counterterrorism, cybersecurity, united states, human rights, security

Will Chess, Not Battleship, Be the Game of the Future in Eurasia?

It turns out that the Chinese leadership has no problem with the idea of harnessing cutting-edge Western soft power for its own purposes. In fact, they seem convinced that no possible tool should be overlooked when it comes to moving the country on to the next stage in the process that China’s Little Helmsman, former leader Deng Xiaoping, decades ago designated as the era in which “to get rich is glorious."

Tags: china, soft power, one belt one road, silk road, economy, war on terror

Mexican Consulate Stresses Culture

But cultural policy is not just about preservation and artistic education. What Henestrosa offered is a new approach that emphasizes the potential of culture to boost economic and social development, and the potential of culture in diplomacy.

Tags: mexico, Cultural Diplomacy, cultural legislation, andres webster henestrosa, united states, oaxaca

Inside the App That’s Become ISIS’ Biggest Propaganda Machine

When one ISIS-affiliated channel was shut down by the Telegram app on Wednesday, another would pop up. [...] ISIS doesn't appear to rely on any one platform to communicate publicly and privately. But experts have noted a troubling shift, in particular, to Telegram.

Tags: non-state pd, isis, propaganda, digital diplomacy

Cooking Up Diplomacy In The Kitchen: 'It's Not About The Flavor Of The Food, But Relationships'

It takes a diplomat to orchestrate harmonious holiday meals. [...] When Portland Chef Naomi Pomeroy is not creating menu items for her critically praised Beast restaurant and Expatriate bar, she accepts assignments from the U.S. State Department to speak about American cuisine to foreigners.

Tags: united states, government pd, gastrodiplomacy, holidays, thanksgiving, naomi pomeroy, diplomatic culinary program

India Will Not Become a Great Power by Loudly Proclaiming its Intentions

Instead, she will be a great power through building her own strength and capabilities and continuing to show wisdom and good sense in her choice of engagements abroad. [...] I am convinced that India will be a great power if she continues on her present course. This will not be through her soft power.

Tags: india, soft power, government pd, china, central asia, hard power

Bringing Aussie Rules to the Kids of Indonesia

The program fits neatly with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's new focus on sports diplomacy. The 2015-18 strategy launched in June this year aims to use sports skills, facilities and knowledge to promote Australia and strengthen links with countries and communities in the region.

Tags: australia, indonesia, sports diplomacy, rugby, non-state pd


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